The Problem That Nobody Talks About

More than half of sexually-active women will experience chronic vaginal discharge and dripping,, vaginal odor, and vaginal infections. Few women will discuss this with their partner, let alone with their gynecologist. Why do women experience these symptoms? It is largely due to disruptions in the vaginal microbiome (the bacterial makeup of the vagina) from the presence of semen in the vaginal canal. Most of us have heard of the commercials discussing vaginal “pH.” This has to do with the amount of acid in the vagina—and most vaginas should be acidic, or have a low pH, of around 4.

Semen, on the other hand, is quite alkaline, or the opposite of acidic. It has a pH of 8. Medical studies have shown that semen in the vagina often leads to complaints of vaginal odor, dripping, and even chronic vaginal infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. These studies have shown that the longer the semen remains in the vagina, the greater the likelihood of these complaints.