The Need

A Better Way to Protect Your Vaginal Microbiome

The Need

Each time you have sex without a condom, your vaginal wellness is at risk. Here’s why:

Semen can remain in your vagina for hours, even days after sex. And because semen is alkaline – having a pH of 8 – and the vagina is acidic – with a pH of 4 – extended dwelling time of semen in your vaginal canal can make changes to your vaginal pH balance. These changes will ultimately disrupt your vaginal microbiome, which is the microscopic environment of good bacteria which keep the vagina healthy.

Studies have shown that the longer semen stays in the vagina, the more likely you are to experience: vaginal odor, vaginal dripping, and even chronic vaginal infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. Clinical research conducted by LiviWell’s team of scientists has confirmed that as many as 35% of women experience continued dripping of sexual fluids, vaginal odor and discharge long after the moment of intimacy has passed.

Why It Matters

Women who experience post-intercourse dripping, odor and infections report a significant increase in physical discomfort and unhappiness, according to a recent research study. In fact, it can get in the way of having a happy and healthy relationship with sex and negatively impact personal relationships.

In those first moments of intimacy, you want to be in the moment. Spontaneous. Without worry. Women enjoy both the sensation and intimacy of sex. But knowing that you have to deal with the absorption of sexual fluids both immediately after, and hours later, takes away from that moment. When you are planning what you have to do AFTER sex even BEFORE sex, that special moment is diminished. We are committed to helping women take back that moment.

Long Term Vaginal Health and Wellness

A team of clinical researchers, sponsored by the Centers for Prevention and Disease Control (CDC)  conducted a study to explore the effect of semen exposure and vaginal health. Their findings demonstrated that leaving semen inside the vagina for extended periods of time can affect their overall vaginal health and wellness.

A Market with Significant Growth Potential

Post-sexual dripping has long been an unaddressed need and a non-existent category. Women ordinarily use tissues or pads to absorb the fluid. However, this method is not effective as much of the fluid remains trapped in the vaginal fornices. Additionally, some women will shower or bathe immediately following after sex. This too is an ineffective solution.