What the Experts Say

A Revolution in Sexual Health and Wellness

Women’s sexual health has long been a taboo topic, especially when talking about sexual hygiene and vaginal wellness.

One of the most important aspects of vaginal health that has been overlooked by health care providers is the vaginal microbiome. The vaginal microbiome is like a tiny, bustling community of bacteria living in the vagina. Just like your gut has good bacteria that help with digestion, the vagina has its own set of bacteria that play a big role in keeping it healthy. These bacteria work together to maintain a balanced environment. They can protect against infections by stopping harmful bacteria from growing too much. They also help maintain the right pH level (which is how acidic or basic the environment is) and this balance is important for overall vaginal health. It’s a delicate system, though, and things like antibiotics, hormones, and even stress can upset this balance. Understanding the vaginal microbiome is key to understanding a lot of aspects of women’s health.

In the past, there has been limited research and product development in this area, even though it’s a big part of women’s health. But as more people realize how important the vaginal microbiome is, there has been a steady growth in research and new product development.

Our experts at LiviWell have been contributing to these conversations and to the development of novel and useful sexual health and wellness solutions.  Read what they have been saying on the topic of women’s sexual health: