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Empowering clinicians to help bridge the gender health equity gap in vaginal health and wellness.
Each time you have sex without a condom, your vaginal wellness is at risk. Here’s why:
Semen can remain in your vagina for hours, even days after sex. And because semen is alkaline – having a pH of 8 – and the vagina is acidic – with a pH of 4 – extended dwelling time of semen in your vaginal canal can make changes to your vaginal pH balance. These changes will ultimately disrupt your vaginal microbiome, which is the microscopic environment of good bacteria which keep the vagina healthy.
Studies have also shown that the longer semen stays in the vagina, the more likely you are to experience: vaginal odor, vaginal dripping, and even chronic vaginal infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. Clinical research conducted by LiviWell’s team of scientists has confirmed that as many as 35% of women experience continued dripping of sexual fluids, vaginal odor and discharge long after the moment of intimacy has passed.
For women who are sexually active don’t routinely use condoms, they are among the millions of women who experience vaginal dripping/discharge, odor, or infections after sex. These things happen when your vaginal “microbiome,” or the good, healthy bacteria in your vagina, get disrupted. Recent studies have shown that semen itself causes this disruption for two reasons: First, while your vagina is acidic (pH of 4), semen is alkaline (pH of 8), and the mix of the two raises your vaginal pH after sex to an unhealthy level. Second, semen itself has recently been shown to not only inhibit lactobacilli (the good bacteria) from growing, but also promote “bad” bacteria such as E. Coli, Enterococcus, and Gardnerella, which can cause common vaginal and bladder infections.
Livi is inserted intra-vaginally via an applicator, immediately after sex. Livi is made of a medical-grade polyurethane foam which rapidly and effectively absorbs semen and other sexual fluids in under 60 seconds. Recent studies have demonstrated that semen is a primary cause of pH imbalance and disrupting the normal, healthy vaginal microbiome. This product offers a clinically backed way to protect vaginal health and restore a healthy sex life.
Recurrent vaginitis can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, leading to discomfort, irritation, and frequent visits. Providing a solution that can offer potential relief from symptoms may also reduce the need for repeated treatments and improve the patient’s overall well-being.
Patients that endure these frequent symptoms often struggle in silence. It has a significant impact on their personal life and their relationships. Providing a solution can help them to maintain a healthy vaginal environment, reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, and provide those patients with a more consistent and reliable solution to manage their condition, ultimately improving their quality of life and confidence.
Patients who are already probiotic users are proactively taking steps to manage their vaginal microbiome. These patients are increasingly vocal about their needs and are great candidates for Livi.
The team at LiviWell is comprised of leading physicians and scientists in the field of Urology, Urogynecology, and Sexual Health. Our combined decades of experience in pelvic health and innovation has led us to develop products for unmet needs in vaginal health.
Currently, Livi is only available to participants in our clinical trial. If you’d like to learn more about Livi, and how it can help your patients, please contact the LiviWell team:
If you’d like to get involved with the LiviWell team, contact us HERE and also stay up to date on the latest news about our current research and product innovations.
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